Sales of Our Nano Products in Major US Retailers

In response to the shift in the trend favor­ing nat­ur­al phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals over chem­i­cal­ly syn­the­sized ones, we are in the process of launch­ing our prod­ucts in the health sup­ple­ment sec­tion of Cost­co in the Unit­ed States. We aim to export both fin­ished and semi-fin­ished prod­ucts and estab­lish our posi­tion with prod­ucts aligned with glob­al trends.

Exhibition and Sale in Costco Stores in the United States

Part­ner Com­pa­ny


Tar­get Raw



Reg­is­tra­tion of gen­er­al Over-The-Counter (OTC) med­i­cines and health func­tion­al foods with the US FDA



Com­ple­tion of ini­tial ver­i­fi­ca­tion indi­cat­ing the poten­tial to pro­duce pre­mi­um phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal prod­ucts through our com­pa­ny’s nano-tech­nol­o­gy, sched­ul­ing the export of nano raw mate­ri­als and semi-fin­ished nano prod­ucts by April 2024.

NPG Sci­ence Tasks,


Man­u­fac­tur­ing and export­ing of prod­ucts and semi-fin­ished goods



Prod­uct sales and glob­al dis­tri­b­u­tion.

Dis­play and sales at US Cost­co.

Con­tract Amount

(Total of

15 mil­lion USD)

Des­ig­nat­ed prices by our com­pa­ny for prod­ucts and semi-fin­ished goods.

Expect­ed Rev­enue

NPG Sci­ence : 1.5 mil­lion USD (ini­tial quan­ti­ties)

Nano-mate­r­i­al Sup­ply Unit Price


Fol­low­ing the trend where the US phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal and health func­tion­al food mar­ket pref­er­ences shift­ed towards nat­ur­al prod­ucts, espe­cial­ly after expe­ri­enc­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, Cost­co in the US has been show­cas­ing and sell­ing nat­ur­al prod­ucts. Con­se­quent­ly, upon secur­ing our com­pa­ny’s nano-pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty, if issued an LOI, we plan to active­ly pur­sue the export pro­ce­dures for our nat­ur­al nano-phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals and nano nat­ur­al health func­tion­al foods to be includ­ed in Cost­co’s offer­ings.

<Domes­tic Mar­ket>

In domes­tic sales, we are in the process of reg­is­ter­ing nano-prod­ucts as health func­tion­al foods with the Korea Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion. After com­ple­tion of reg­is­tra­tion, sales of nano-prod­ucts will be con­duct­ed through major spe­cial­ized dis­trib­u­tors and self-sales chan­nels (such as online plat­forms).

Mar­ket Rip­ple Effects

Ini­tial plans include show­cas­ing and sell­ing at three US Cost­co stores.

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